2013 EMEA Forum – Ecodesign Directive: An Overview of the Preparatory Study on Enterprise Servers and Storage

16 October, 2013 | Presentation

Thibault Faninger, BIO Intelligence Service
Davide Polverini, European Commission Directorate General Enterprise and Industry

The Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC) aims at improving the environmental performances of energy-related products from the design phase, whilst taking into account the concerns of industry, consumers, and all other stakeholders. The preparatory study on enterprise servers and storage was launched in June 2013 and constitutes the very first step of the legislative process, in order to provide the European Commission with potential policy recommendations, based on a thorough environmental and economic assessment of the products. This session provides an overview of the study, including a presentation of the methodology that will be followed (MEErP, which is common to all preparatory studies) and a description of the stakeholder consultation process.