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Liquid Cooling TCO Calculation Tool   


NOTE:  TGG no longer offers the LC-TCO tool as an on-line application.  It is only available as a download.  Please read the information below to get access. 

Version 4 of the Total Cost of Operations (TCO) calculator and its related resources can help you assess your liquid options and surface the tradeoffs by solutions categories. All of these suggestions are member provided, peer-reviewed and none of this is vendor provided marketing.  

TGG members may download the tool from the TGG library using your TGG membership (Causeway) credentials.
    (Note, if your company is a member of TGG but you don't have credentials - register a personal profile now)

If you are not a member of TGG:  You may purchase a download of the LC-TCO Calculation Tool from the library.  You must register on the website first if you have not already done so. Contact with questions or to request information on becoming a member of TGG. Note that a trial version is not available. 


We are pleased to offer the associated Handbook in both English and Japanese at no charge, regardless of TGG membership. Either may be downloaded from the library after registration on the site (this is not equivalent to membership in TGG)

The tggtco model (which includes the handbook, its tables, and the calculator service) generates estimates based on industry observed ranges that are not intended to replace planning, design, engineering and finance efforts of qualified professionals.  TGG does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the model’s results, which are hypothetical and may not reflect the actual site conditions, construction costs and potential savings of your own solutions as deployed. TGG is not responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon or as a result of the information provided by this model.  TGG reserves the right to update the service at any time.