2013 EMEA Forum – European Commission Data Centre Projects: DC4Cities

16 October, 2013 | Presentation

Marco DiGirolamo, HP

This session offers an in-depth look at EU initiatives, the roles of ICT in Europe, and Europe’s advancements in sustainable data centres, cloud computing, and new business opportunities through green ICT. Information is provided about various EU projects, including DC4Cities.

Following up FIT4Green and All4Green, we introduce the next project in the roadmap, named “DC4Cities.” The main objectives of DC4Cities are introduced, consisting of maximizing the share of green energy sources in data centre powering, through active workload shifting policies enforced down to individual application level, and establishing local data centre federations under the governance of a central Smart City entity. The related research on innovative metrics will be discussed, seeking a more accurate assessment of a data centres’ computational efficiency and ability to exploit the available green energy sourcing.